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  • Writer's pictureFelicity Montague

The Xebec

A xebec (or zebec) is a small Mediterranean ship of Hispano-Arabic origins which was used for both trading and war

In the eighteenth century, the Spanish Armada had 47 of those vessels.

The boat’s shape was very archaic. It had a steering oar and a pronounced overhanging bow and stern.

These ships had long narrow hulls, and were fitted with oars like their galley predecessors. They were intended to be fast and maneuverable, whether under oar-power or under sail.

Seventeenth and eighteenth century Christian shipping in the Mediterranean was threatened by the Barbary Corsairs, who were Muslim pirates based in Northern Africa.

- The vessel of choice for these pirates in the early days was originally the galley, however, as time wore on, the trading nations responded to the threat by deploying warships. Galleys may have been swift and convenient, but they were not designed to survive against warships.

In response, the Barbary Corsairs evolved their galleys into a new design that would stay competitive with the warships sent against them.

- They widened the hull for extra deck-room and stability and removed the rowers to make room for broadside guns.

- These changes shifted the vessel away from oar-power and onto the three huge lateen sails.

Although the vessels were extremely advantageous, they did have their downsides.

- The same sails that gave them such an advantage while sailing were extremely vulnerable to dismantling fire.

- It only took losing three yards to leave a xebec dead in the water.

- Xebec hulls were light and sleek, and they didn’t hold up well under heavy fire.

- Even their shallow draft had a downside, as they sailed poorly in rough weather and high seas.


First Fleet Reproductions,

Svmblogger, and Svmblogger. “Xebec (Chebec).” SVM Shipping Blog, 28 Oct. 2012,

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